The earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. Isaiah 11:9, Habakkuk 2:14

In this era of communication, sometimes one image can be stronger than any other words. is the social portal site that gives positive influence and spread the biblical message through images. We will offer the space to gather and share positivity, hope, and inspiration in order to carry on the great commission in declaring God’s love for the world.

Faith Trend was started by a coalition of college students in 2017. It is aimed to collect Christian living testimonies and worldwide inspirational stories consistent with Biblical value, then spread to the widest possible audience, and bring them faith, hope, love.

Faith Pixel Christian Community was started by a coalition of seminary students in 2018. We aim to build Christian online community for spiritual growth and nourishment of the believers across denominational lines.

CLife Stream provides devotionals articles along with audios and videos to help people enter the fellowship with God easily, be transformed in God’s words and grow in Jesus Christ. The site will distribute original content, collaborate with other Christian writers and organizations, and also collect online resources to help the believers receive grace and inspiration on various topics. is a Christian website that provides Christian prayers content and offers a rich social and personal platform to freely share gracious prayers, enjoy family-friendly inspirational images and audio and text, pray for each other, get daily devotionals, and more.

Meekever aims to spread the Gospel and glorify God through these products. We are focusing on T-shirts and customized Bible verse shirts. Even though a simple T-shirt, we choose proper Bible Verses and Quotes carefully and design deliberately.

The vision and mission of Joseph Storehouses is to build a online resource website for Christians. In an era when people are hungry not because of lack of bread and thirsty not because of lack of water, we aim to feed the people through God’s words, guide people to know Jesus Christ and live a life that glorifies God’s name! was founded in 2023. It is committed to providing a resource-rich and functionally diverse worship platform for Chinese-speaking Christians. We firmly believe that worship and praise are an important way to get close to God and an expression of love and fear for God. We hope that brothers and sisters can experience God and know God more deeply here.